Chrome extension on load
Chrome extension on load

ItriedexecutingthefunctionusingonloadbutDiscordseemstoloadoncetoshowaloadscreenandthentheactualworkspace.,Iwanttomakeachromeextensionthatexecutessomescriptsafteronepageisloaded,IamnotsurewhetherIhavetoimplementthislogiconthebackground ...,Inmyext...

Install and manage extensions

Manageyourextensions·Onyourcomputer,openChrome.·Atthetopright,selectMoreMoreandthenExtensionsandthenManageextensions.·Makeyourchanges ...Install&managewebapps·Signin·Permissionsrequestedby...

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Chrome extension

I tried executing the function using onload but Discord seems to load once to show a load screen and then the actual workspace.

Chrome Extension: Make it run every page load

I want to make a chrome extension that executes some scripts after one page is loaded, I am not sure whether I have to implement this logic on the background ...

detecting when a page actually loads in a tab

In my extension I use the tab.onUpdated event to detect when a different page is loaded on each tab (using chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener).

Google Chrome extension

I'm trying to load a page and then execute a code once the page has been loaded but I couldn't find the right way to do this.

Hello World extension

You will create a Hello World example, load the extension locally, locate logs, and explore other recommendations.

Install and manage extensions

Manage your extensions · On your computer, open Chrome. · At the top right, select More More and then Extensions and then Manage extensions. · Make your changes ... Install & manage web apps · Sign in · Permissions requested by...

Is it possible to run a custom script whenever loading a web page on ...

Yes, it possible to inject custom scripts when the page is opened. Many browser extensions are available for this like tampermonkey, violentmonkey, requestly.

NextPage - auto load the next page

Enhance your browsing experience with NextPage, a Chrome extension that automatically loads subsequent pages as you reach the end of the current one.

Page load time - Chrome Web Store

This extension measures page load time and displays it in the toolbar. Navigation Timing API is used for precise measurement.

Run scripts on every page

This tutorial builds an extension that adds the expected reading time to any Chrome extension and Chrome Web Store documentation page. Publish in the Chrome Web... · Content scripts · Permission warning guidelines


ItriedexecutingthefunctionusingonloadbutDiscordseemstoloadoncetoshowaloadscreenandthentheactualworkspace.,Iwanttomakeachromeextensionthatexecutessomescriptsafteronepageisloaded,IamnotsurewhetherIhavetoimplementthislogiconthebackground ...,InmyextensionIusethetab.onUpdatedeventtodetectwhenadifferentpageisloadedoneachtab(usingchrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener).,I'mtryingtoloadapageandthenexecute...